Being a trainer for a new store opening is always so much fun! It feels like summer camp. Edward, the boss, always puts together a really fun team of trainers and he makes the long days feel like a fun day with friends. The Ruby's in Orange is amazing. I'm very proud to work there! Come visit!
My niece, Scarlett got a really bad cut on her leg that got infected and she ended up in the hospital. Although the rest of us were worried about her, she LOVED it. She got ice cream almost everyday and she got to play with her toys and watch TV. She got out of the hospital a week later and was completely fine! Thank God!
The same day Scarlett went into the hospital, my grandma did too. She has had very weak lung for the past year or so. Whenever she gets sick, its hard for her to breathe and she ends up in the hospital. This time was really scary though. When I visited her in the hospital I felt like it was my last time seeing her alive. It was so hard. I didn't want to leave and so I sent Bryan home with the car and I took the train home the next day. I sat by her bed and held her hand. She told me about her dreams and told me that she would always be with me. Right before Bryan left, she told him to take care of me or she would haunt him :) For dinner, my mom and I got Chinese food, chocolate ice cream and we snuck in some yummy blue moon. It was wonderful to be around family. We got in trouble for the beer and so we called it a night :) After a week of my grandma being in the hospital she was sent home to be on hospice. A couple times she called me to say good-bye but still today she has stayed strong and is doing great! June 9th will be my grandparents 60Th wedding anniversary! I'm so proud that I come from such a long line of strong, stubborn women. We don't give up!
One of the wonderful things I got to do in April was visit was my friend Candace and her husband. Candace has been one of my best friends since we were 2. I love her like a sister and love the bond we have. She is expecting a baby boy in July and Bryan and I are so excited to be auntie Katie and Uncle googly :) We spent a day golfing and taking maternity pictures. It was a wonderful day!