We are please to announce that we are having a BOY!! We are beyond excited. To celebrate and reveal the sex of the baby we had a gender reveal party. It was really important to Bryan and I that we find out the sex of the baby at the same time as everyone else. We had an ultrasound appointment on Friday to check the health of the baby as well as find out the sex. It was so neat to see our little baby. He's grown so much. We got to see his hands, feet, brain, and his little face. The ultrasound tech wrote down the sex and put it in an envelope. We took that envelope straight to Tall Mouse Craft store and had them put blue (for a boy) or Pink (for a girl) balloons in a box. Right before the party on Saturday I picked up the box with Jamie and she wrapped it so we couldn't peek at all. The party was amazing and I was so excited the whole time! It was wonderful to be surrounded by the people we love and care about. Thanks everyone for coming. Enjoy the video and pictures below!

We did a baby pool for when the baby is due :)

Andrea, me, Candace and baby Bacon.