Tuesday, June 7, 2011


It has been way too long since I have updated this blog so this is my attempt to catch up :) I'll start with March! The month started off with a weekend canoe trip and then my birthday! This year I turned 28. Usually I get weirded out by getting older but this was the first year that I put my thoughts into perspective...Not everyone gets to grow old, I'm one lucky girl! I have turned another year older :) This was my 5th year of celebrating at Heroes. It was so much fun. I have loved celebrating my birthday in the same place for 5 years. Some people came early and others came late, but throughout the night I was surrounded by people I love. It was a fantastic birthday. Bryan spoiled me with a new Iphone!

The canoe trip this year was really fun! I went on this trip 10 years ago with my girlfriends and mom. My mom has continued to do this trip with her group of friends a couple times a year. This year she wanted to lead a group of my friends down the river. I was thrilled with the idea! I got a group of about 16 people, some non-campers and some experienced campers. The weekend was quite wonderful! I loved introducing a different world to people. I'm looking forward to doing again next year!

Water cave

The open river...

Climbing up waterfalls

The river water was cold but there was natural hot springs all over the place. We stopped and relaxed in a couple of hot pools.

One of the stops we made was in a sauna cave. It was pretty rad.

The trip starts right under the Hoover damn. The first day we canoed 3 miles, then we camped. The next day we canoed 9 miles.

We had a wonderful Trip!

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